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I'm sure you'll want your website or blog is at first order in Yahoo, Google, or search engines, the techniques you need to run the SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Applying these SEO techniques, your blog or website and you are not only are the highest in the search order Engin but your blog will also have many visitors ...

SEO techniques there are 2, namely ON and OFF PAGE PAGE

A. The first SEO (ON PAGE)

Means we must make our web pages as beautiful or as good as possible in the eyes of search engines. Ie by selecting the appropriate titles, keywords, and enough clear and concise, add a link on a keyword, bold, italic, and so on. The following technical tips ON PAGE

* Focus on the keywords (keywords) you and think a moment about people will enter any keyword in Google or Yahoo is right for your website or blog
* Do not forget to use a title that contains your keyword
* And do not forget use 5 to 10 or more keywords in your writing
* To use the ALT (for links and images) that contains your keyword
* Use BOLD and italic in your keywords
* What was the end use the links on your keywords

B. The second is SEO (OFF PAGE)

Build relationships with as many as possible of course that leads to yours blog. You can exchange links with your friends, or put a link on my space page, comments, guest books and so on. The more links that point to our website, then we will PAGE RANK higher. High PAGE RANK more likely that our website is the highest ranked search engine.

As for the things that are prohibited in SEO (blackhat SEO) and if you run this restriction, then your website will be blacklisted search engines (will not be in the index):

* Create a doorway, which is a special page for search engines that are not useful and there is no benefit to your site visitors.
* Place a link on your website that includes the category "bad neighborhood", that is , there are sites that are blacklisted (including a link farm).
* Running or paid program links
* Build link in greater numbers and big in a short time.
* Build links in a very large amount in a short time.
* Build links in a very large amount in a short time.
* Create websites with identical content to other websites.

Search engines now more sophisticated and smart, make your website or blog weighty and useful to visitors, then your website will be visited by people from all over the world.

Good luck. and hopefully useful.


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